Which are the important roots for maintaining healthy human body?

 Dr Sneha Honrao - YouTube

Tree have roots which play important role in maintenance, stability and growth . In same way dosha ,dhatu and Mala means bio- energies, 7 body tissues, 3 wastes are important for maintaining human body. These elements are compared to development maintainance , degeneration. 

If the roots are not proper of tree than the tree can not grow . Similarly if dosha, dhatu and mala get disturb than the body mechanism also get disturb and disease take place in human body.

Dosha- dhatu- mala concept is the base in Ayurveda. In Ayurveda it is explained about the function of human body in terms of dosha-dhatu-mala. To understand the importance of these roots we need to understand the function of these elements in our body.

Function of Dosha.

1. Dosha are the structural and functional unit of human body.

2. Activities of body are classified by various types of movements, different digestive and metabolic activities,growth , union, stability and composition.

3. This above functions are carried of with vatta, pitta, kapha respectively.

Function of Body tissues 

Dhatu is correlated with body tissues they give support and strength. Dhatu means the elements which hold or maintain the body structures and physiology.

प्रीणनं जीवनं लेप: स्नेहो धारणपूरणे | 

गर्भोत्पादश्च धातूनां श्रेष्ठं कर्म क्रमात्स्मृतम् ||

                             - अष्टांग हृदय

1. Rasa Dhatu provides freshness to body cell termed as prinana ( rehydration).

Eg : when a person take a glass of juice he experiences fresh sensation is termed as prinana.

2. Rakta Dhatu is correlated with blood which is directly responsible for giving proper oxygenation to all the cells in the body. Each cells requires prana which is provided by the blood.

For example: The person loose their life on spot in road accident due to heavy loss of blood. 

3. Mamsa or muscles give specific shape and size to different body organ. Muscles protects bones , nerves from injury.

4. Meda or fat preserves softness of body organ and prevent from wear and tear created by friction. Fat have main function that is lubrication property.

5. Asthi or bone is directly concerned to main and hold body organs . Bones give shape to the body and protect vital organs.

6. Majja dhatu correlated to nervous tissue or bone marrow which is deep inside the body and is filled in bony structures. Majja dhatu is responsible for communication intelligence and movement.

7. Shukra or reproduction is main function is responsible for body strength and immunity.

It is clear that dosha and dhatu perform very important functions in the human body.

Functions of waste products.

The products carry away the unwanted and toxic material outside the body and keep the body clean. It play a very important role as if doesn't work properly if may lead to various types of diseases.


1. In oliguria or anuria urine output goes below normal, many toxins accumulate in the body.

2. When a person suffering from loose motions, severe dehydration can threaten the life of a child.

A) The function of urine is to element the liquid waste products from the body.

B) The function of feces is to eliminate solid wastes and toxins from the food.

C) The function of sweat is to eliminate liquid waste and maintain the moisture on the skin and maintaining healthy lustrous and smooth body hair.

Hence this dose dhatu and mala are compared with roots of trees.


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