Is the composition of Human body just like the composition of Nature?

Dr Sneha Honrao - YouTube

According to Ayurveda composition of Human body is compared with the composition of nature. In charak Samhita it is said as follows:

यावन्तो हि लोके भावविशेषाः तावन्तः पुरुषे । 

यावन्तः पुरूषे तावन्तः लोके। 

                                         - चरक

The elements present in nature  are also present in human body. This principle  is also termed as Pinda Brahmand nyaay. It is also said that the activities in human body are also similar to that occuring in universe. It is known as functional similarity. 

It is said in Ayurveda that universe is developed from five elements called as panchmahabhuta. In the same way the human body is formed from same basic five elements i.e. earth, water, fire, air and ether. 

Mahabhut= Maha + Bhuta 

Maha= all pervading 

Bhuta= to exist

 Elements are also pervading. Hence, Ayurveda states that each and every element on this earth is formed from these five elements. 

सर्वं द्रव्यं पाञ्चभोतिकम् अस्मिन् अर्थे । 

                                         - चरक

If there is balance in these elements the universal activities are regular and smooth, if it get disturbed then the function of universe also get disturbed. As in example, if air is not functioning in proper mode than the result in universe come out in form of cyclones, storms, earthquakes, water (Jal Mohabhuta) excess causes flood. 

In Sushrut Samhita it is also explained that all the activities of of Universe  are mainly of three types

1. Visarga to give strength,union

2. Adana- to take away transformation, change- digestion

3. Vikshepa- moment

The main function carried by 

Principles present in Moon and rain, sun and wind respectively. 

विसर्गोदानविक्षेपैः सोमसूर्यानिला यथा।

धारयन्ति जगद् देहं कफपित्तानिलास्तथा।। 

                                      - सुश्रुत संहिता

For keeping the molecules intact and helping for new growth the moon and the rain help for this process as it contain the principle of Cohesion.  The sun has a principle of transformation hence due to the heat provided by sun it helps to plant crops and fruits.  Wind has the principle of movement which helps for sea tides and moment of plants. 

The same function take place in our body because of the minute energies which are are present and termed as kapha, Pitta and vatta. Three energies maintain the balance of function in the human body. These are also called as tridosha. 

Sun heat it is essential for ripening of fruits and for growing crops. Similarly, digestion occurs due to pitta dosha in our body. 

Wind movement helps to move leaves of the trees, plants around Sun. Similarly movements of legs and hands, circulation, excretion occurs due to vatta dosha which have the principle of propulsion.

Vegetables and fruits are presented by the principal of cold, Cohesion present in the rain or moon, similarly because of kapha dosha has a property moisture and provides fat softness, keeps long-standing Union of molecules. 

This above article helps to explain that human body is the epitope of universe. Man is part of nature Hence, Ayurveda teaches us how to make a friendship with nature for maintaining our health. 

If you protect your environment your health will get protected.


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