How Baby grows in mother's womb month by month ?

 Dr Sneha Honrao - YouTube

Every woman is excited to know how her baby grows in womb. Here I am going to explain how your baby parts are developed in womb in each and every month. This is the best and beautiful journey woman experience in her life.

According to Ayurveda Masanumasik garbha viridhi is explained. The body is grown with the help of Panchamahabhuta .  Panchamahabhuta are explained in my article how body is connected with nature?

In 1st month only a mass of cells is present in womb 

'Tatra pradhamey maasi kalalam jaayatey' 

In 2nd month the embryo  it forms a compact mass. 

In 3rd month 5 ossification centers for 4 limbs( 2 legs and 2 hands )and trunk( heads) are formed. 

In 4th month the Anga and pratyangas are developed distinctly. Means body are are developed. Blood circulation is established. Baby develops mind and mental feeling hence some mild movements like quickening appears. 

According to Ayurveda at this stage of quickening, mother develops some desires, which probably indicate the desire of the baby and hence the pregnant women from this stage called as dauhridini means having 2 hridayas. 

In 5th month mind of embryo develops further.

In 6th month intellect development starts.

In 7th month the fetal (baby) body parts are completely developed.

In 8th month the immune bodies gets disturbed and hence if born in this month the child may not survive.

In 9th month complete development of the fetus and the delivery may take place from 9 month to 12 month.

Fetal development

In 5th weeks fetal heartbeat is present.

In 11 weeks fetal circulation develops.

In 12 weeks fetal respiratory movements appear 

In 20 weeks mucosal glands appear in gut, peristalsis established.

In 22 weeks functional renal corpuscles and filtration appears.

In 26 weeks most digestive enzymes present.

In 28 weeks onwards autonomic control starts to slow basal heart rate.

In 32 weeks lecithin rises.

After 32 to 34 weeks a full term fetus will be 3.5kg in weight.


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