
Showing posts from 2021

Diabetes and it's Preventive measures.

  Dr Sneha Honrao - YouTube India is one of the leading country where diabetic patients are increasing day by day. It is need of time to know why many people are suffering from the diseases such as diabetes.  This is the disease which are not only suffered by old age people but also young adults and children too. This disease is spreading on large scale due to lack of awareness and lack of knowledge about how we can prevent ourself from such kind of diseases. Diabetes is a life style disorder. Now a days people have hectic schedule or not following proper Dinacharya ( Daily routine) and ritucharya ( seasonal routine). The main cause of diabetes are overweight, obesity, inactive lifestyle. Other causes of this disease are hormonal imbalance, improper secretion of insulin. Diabetes means when our blood glucose level is high. Blood glucose is main source of energy which comes from food we eat. The insulin hormone secreted by organ pancreas helps the glucose to enter in our Cell a...

Luxurious utensils for kitchen as well as for Health

Dr Sneha Honrao - YouTube We all know that market is full of decorative utensils. But we should know which utensils are decorative , luxurious as well as good for our health.  Use of BPA line cans which contains Bisphenol A, which is linked to several health issues such as cancer, infertility, obesity and diabetes. This Bisphenol A is found in hard plastic such as water bottles, eye glass lenses, baby water or milk bottles, sports equipment’s etc. This hazardous chemical enters in our body through such food containers and water bottles of plastic. Therefore, it is always advisable to avoid use of plastics. This will also be a great initiative for saving our environment. If complete stoppage of use of plastic is not possible then at least use BPA free materials may be started. Small initiatives like carrying cloth-bag while going to market will be useful for avoiding use of plastic bags. Store food stuff such as grains in non-plastic material like earthen, o...

Healthy soup for winter

Dr Sneha Honrao - YouTube In winter season the energy of human being is more compare to other season of the year. To maintain this health we need to intake heathy and nutritive food . Soup is one of the good example to have in winter season which contain maximum nutrition.  Sipping steaming hot soup in winter can keep you and your family warm and tasty. Soup is the powerhouse of nutrition.  Soup is easy to prepare in short time. We always have a soup in warm state or lukewarm state which helps to releive congestion from throat specially in winter. Soup contain rich source of nutrition as it is prepared from vegetables.  Regular intake of soup will help to increase your appetite too. Soup also help for weight loss as it has low calories and high nutritive value. Soup helps to reduce weakness , dull ,low feeling issues. According to Ayurveda soup is prepared in ratio of 1: 18 as 1 part should be vegetables and 18 parts should be water. Boil the mixture till the time where w...

Why to do Abhyang or body massage with oil for improving health in winter?

  Dr Sneha Honrao - YouTube Winter season is the season where our skin start becoming dry and rough day by day. We need to keep hydrate and moisturize our skin especially in winter season. In this season we sometime naturally drink less fluid which ultimately affect our skin and whole body parts due to dryness in our body where our skin get rough ,dry ,black patch, as well as hair fall ,dry nostrils etc. To get rid of this problem we need abhiyang  snan and body massage with oil substances such as coconut oil, almond oil, sesame oil, ghee etc. According to Ayurveda oil Abhyang can be done in three different forms  1. Sit in bath tub fill with oil. 2. Massage whole body with suitable oils. 3. Pour oil on forehead (Shirodhara) or whole body parts. There are many other different forms where we can keep our skin moisturize. We can do such small things daily which is mentioned in Ayurveda. 1. Apply 2 drops of deshi cow ghee early in the morning daily to keep your nostrils mois...

How to protect your health from Winter Season?

  Dr Sneha Honrao - YouTube Winter Season is known as healthy season from all seasons of the year. Our digestive fire is strong during this season. Reason behind this is mentioned in Charak Samhita as follows  शीते शीतानिलस्पर्शसंरूध्दो बलिनां बली । पक्ता भवति हेमंते मात्राद्रव्यगुरुक्षमः।।                                               (चरक) When cold wind moves in surrounding it also touches our body where this cold wind block the fire inside our body instead of throughing out of our body. Hence our digestive fire increases in our body. So in this season we should have heavy intake of food or food which takes long time to digest. Our Indian tradition create a great example of this in the form of Diwali festival. Where we eat snacks such as laadoo, chivda, sweets, dry fruits etc. This snacks are heavy and healthy to our body specially in winter season. In Ayurveda...

What is Suvarnaprashan?

  Dr Sneha Honrao - YouTube The first reference of Suvarnaprashan is seen in Kashyap Samhita. This samhita is written by Vridha Jeevaka. This samhita is basically introduce about Kaumarbhritya ( one of the 8 branches of Ayurveda dealing with mother and child health care). द्राव्याणां लेहनीयानां विधिश्चैवोपदेक्ष्यते। विघृष्य धौते दृषदि प्राङ्मुखी लघुनाऽम्बुना ।  मात्र मधुसर्पिर्भ्यां लेहयेत् कनकं शिशुम् ।। सुवर्णप्राशनं ह्येतन्मेधाग्निबलवर्धनम् । आयुष्यं मङ्गलं पुण्यं वृष्यं वर्णन ग्रहापहम् ।।  मासात् परममेधावी व्यिधिभिर्न च दृष्ये । षड्भिर्मासैः श्रुतधरः सुवर्णप्राशनाभ्दवेत् ।।                                  - काश्यप संहिता According to reference it is said that to sit in east direction take a stone and some water take a gold plate of a small size rub the gold plate on a stone add some honey and ghee in unequal quantity and give it to the child this process is termed as Suvarna prashan ...

When you express your mind in poem

Dr Sneha Honrao - YouTube Some thoughts were moving in my mind have expressed in words in following ways  . Try to write whatever comes in your mind as it helps to sort your thoughts and make you relax with refreshments. लहानपण म्हणजे आनंदाचा क्षण फुलून गेला क्षण भरून आले मन विविध रंगांनी भिजलेले माझे मुल अंगणात माझ्या फुले सुगंधी फूल लहानपणीच्या आठवणींत रमून गेले मन आठवतो बालपणीचा छोटा छोटा क्षण हातुकली भातुकलीचा खेळ माझ्या अंगणी रिंग रिंग रिंगात खेळत्या माझ्या मैत्रिणी मनातून आवाज गुंजला चारी दिशा खरंच लहानपण देगा देवा Our childhood memories always rome in our mind. Everyone have there own beautiful moments of child.  If there try to share the moment with me through comments        

Viruddha Ahar

  Dr Sneha Honrao - YouTube The most important concept Ayurveda have explained is viruddha Ahar. Viruddha means opposite and ahar means diet. What are the opposite combination of food which should be avoided to prevent from various lifestyle disorders? Have been explained in this blog. So try to implement this in your daily routine. We take Diet daily because we need energy for life. Our body needs nutrition to develop tissues,cell,remove free radicals,improve metabolism etc. For all this activity we need proper nutritional diet.  Therefore we must know what combination 9f food can harm or can give wrong impact to our body. For that Ayurveda have explained 18 types of viruddha things which should be avoided . In examples I am explaining how to avoid Viruddha Ahar to improve the health.  They are as follows:  1. Desh viruddha (climate , area) Eating dry food in desert, eating oily food in humid climate is viruddha . Example : Go according to the local food . Eat South...

Cancer: Causes and Cautions

Dr Sneha Honrao - YouTube Cancer: Causes and Cautions It is need of time to know about non-communicable diseases such as Cancer which is leading cause of death (approx. 9%) among all non-communicable diseases as per latest ICMR survey. It is observed that maximum cancer cases in male are lungs, mouth, stomach and oesophagus cancer. In female maximum cancer cases are on breast and cervical area. In children leukaemia is common. Burden of breast cancer is observed in metropolitan cities. 27% of cancer cases in India are caused due to tobacco. Others who are suffering from cancer but not addicted to products like tobacco, there are multiple reasons of that. One of the reasons behind this is wrong lifestyle and lack of awareness about causes of cancer. The causes such as use of BPA line cans which contains Bisphenol A, which is linked to several health issues such as cancer, infertility, obesity and diabetes. This Bisphenol A is found in hard plastic such as water bottles, eye gla...

Should we use cow dung cake for Holi Dahan?

  Dr Sneha Honrao - YouTube Introduction In present atmosphere we are inhaling polluted air through our breath and we all are aware of this. Even the air inside our house is not pure. This is one of the reasons which is affecting our health and we are suffering from one or the other diseases. Also we are leaving behind our ancient practices which are helping for healthy lifestyle. In our ancient traditional practices, our ancestors used to burn cow dung cakes with ghee during sunset and sunrise. It was believed that this traditional practice bring positive energy in our surrounding.  Reasons to use cow dung cake for holi : 1. Cow dung ash increase soil productivity. Cow dung manure contains the three major plant nutrients, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium as well as many essential nutrients such as Ca, Mg, S, Zn, B, Cu, Mn etc. at, in addition to supplying plant nutrients, manure generally improves soil tilth, aeration, and water holding capacity of the soil and promotes...

How to prepare Kwath or Kada or Decoction from Herbs?

  Dr Sneha Honrao - YouTube Now a days each and everyone of us are preferring herbal kada to boost immunity. As we are getting aware about Ayurveda herbs to get prevented from some kind of communicable and non communicable diseases. People are buying herbs guided by Ayurveda experts and preparing kada at home. This kada is taken early morning or as per prescribed by doctors. Some doctors who are prescribing kada to prepare at home and should have it but some people are suffering difficulties while preparing kada. Problems such as how much quantity of herbs and water? How much to boil so that herbal active principles dissolve in water and body may get healthy benefits? To resolve this questions I am sharing information about how to prepare kada and what process is explained in ancient literature to get maximum benefits from that specific herbs.  According to Sharandhar Samhita, पानीयं षोडशगुणं क्षुण्णे द्रव्यपले क्षिपेत् । मृत्पात्रे क्वाथयेद्ग्राह्यमष्टमांशावशेषितम् ।। तज्जलं ...

Why We Should Get Sufficient Sleep? How to get a Sound Sleep?

Dr Sneha Honrao - YouTube In present era, each and every person is suffering from hectic schedule. Like any engine or machine needs a rest after long work, Human being also need a rest for body in form of calm and peaceful sleep so that the Body gets energy for activities , hormonal balance etc. Everyone knows for healthy and disease free life we work out physical activities such as jogging, yoga, pranayam and meditation also we intake healthy and nutritional  food. But still is it enough for healthy Body? No it is not enough. Just like taste of food depends upon salt, how much we mix, Sleep is the same for our body to be healthy and energized throughout the day. TIPS 1. Keep your sleeping cycle proper . According to age, sleep time changes. Children can sleep for maximum hours but as they grows up sleep time decreases. Most important we need is we should have disturb free, relax and sufficient sleep. Make sure that you go to sleep at same time everyday and wake up also at the same...