Why to do Abhyang or body massage with oil for improving health in winter?

 Dr Sneha Honrao - YouTube

Winter season is the season where our skin start becoming dry and rough day by day. We need to keep hydrate and moisturize our skin especially in winter season. In this season we sometime naturally drink less fluid which ultimately affect our skin and whole body parts due to dryness in our body where our skin get rough ,dry ,black patch, as well as hair fall ,dry nostrils etc.

To get rid of this problem we need abhiyang  snan and body massage with oil substances such as coconut oil, almond oil, sesame oil, ghee etc.

According to Ayurveda oil Abhyang can be done in three different forms 

1. Sit in bath tub fill with oil.

2. Massage whole body with suitable oils.

3. Pour oil on forehead (Shirodhara) or whole body parts.

There are many other different forms where we can keep our skin moisturize. We can do such small things daily which is mentioned in Ayurveda.

1. Apply 2 drops of deshi cow ghee early in the morning daily to keep your nostrils moisturize and this process is termed as pratimarsha nasya according to Ayurveda.

2. Do oil pulling early in the morning while brushing the teeth with oil like sesame oil, coconut oil or irimedadi tailam.

3. Do regular head massage with oil to avoid dandruff, hairfall, greying of hair dryness of hair. Oiling scalp and head massage will help to get relief from stress and depression, improve sleep. For long, beautiful and healthy hair and moisturize scalp use herbal hair mask ,herbal hair oil regularly.

4. Apply 2 to 3 drops of coconut oil in your ears which will help to maintain your hearing and also help to decrease problem of neck and deafness.

स्नेहाभ्यङ्गाद्धथा कुम्भश्चर्म स्नेहविमर्दनात् । भवत्युपाङ्गादक्षश्च दृढः क्लेशसहो यथा ।। तथा शरीर मभ्यङ्गाददृढं सुत्वक् च जायते ।       (चरक)

5. When oiling is done to car it runs smooth ,apply to leather it become soft and shining the same way when oil is done on whole body part it will help to take care of skin specially in winter season. Oiling whole body also help to make body strong and healthy.

6. Foot massage in winter is the main role to maintain whole body healthy and happy.

Foot massage help to maintain blood circulation properly, recover crack heels, soften your skin , relax your mind, help to releif stress, relief backache, knee pain etc.

After oiling whole body have a shower with warm water specially in winter .


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