How to prepare Kwath or Kada or Decoction from Herbs?


Dr Sneha Honrao - YouTube

Now a days each and everyone of us are preferring herbal kada to boost immunity. As we are getting aware about Ayurveda herbs to get prevented from some kind of communicable and non communicable diseases. People are buying herbs guided by Ayurveda experts and preparing kada at home. This kada is taken early morning or as per prescribed by doctors. Some doctors who are prescribing kada to prepare at home and should have it but some people are suffering difficulties while preparing kada. Problems such as how much quantity of herbs and water? How much to boil so that herbal active principles dissolve in water and body may get healthy benefits? To resolve this questions I am sharing information about how to prepare kada and what process is explained in ancient literature to get maximum benefits from that specific herbs. 

According to Sharandhar Samhita,

पानीयं षोडशगुणं क्षुण्णे द्रव्यपले क्षिपेत् ।

मृत्पात्रे क्वाथयेद्ग्राह्यमष्टमांशावशेषितम् ।।

तज्जलं पाययेध्दीमान्कोष्णं मृद्वग्निसाधितम् ।

श्रृतः क्वाथः कषायश्च निर्यूहः स निगद्यते ।

आहार रसपाके च संजाते द्विपलोन्मितम् ।

वृद्धवैद्योपदेशेन पिबेत्क्वाथं सुपाचितम् ।।

1 part of coarsely powdered drugs is boiled with 16 parts of water in an earthen pot on mild fire till the liquid reduce to 1/8th of the origin quantity.


10gm (1Part) giloy coarsely powered is to be boiled in 160ml (16 parts) of water in earthen pot or any steel vessel on mild fire till the liquid reduce to approx 20ml (1/8th part of the original quantity).

Ayurvedic experts advice it to administer after the digestion of food . Sugar may be added to the kada in doses of 1/4, 1/8 and 1/16 part respectively for Vata, pita and kapha disorders. If honey is used than it should be in the reverse order of proportion for Vata, pita and kapha disorders.


•The earthen pot should not be covered with a lid while preparing the decoction by doing so the decoction will not become easily digestible. 

• Stire continuosly to avoid charring by the herb particles settling down at the bottom of the vessels.

• Use coarse powder that can helps in the easy filtering of kwath.

According to charak,

•25gm of coarsely powdered drugs is boiled with 400gm of water in an earthen pot on mild fire till the liquid reduce to 1/4  of the origin quantity.

• For hard herbs -1 part of coarsely powdered drugs is boiled with 16 parts of water in an earthen pot on mild fire till the liquid reduce to 1/8th of the origin quantity.

• For medium hard herbs -1 part of coarsely powdered drugs is boiled with 8 parts of water in an earthen pot on mild fire till the liquid reduce to 1/4th of the origin quantity.

• For mild herbs -1 part of coarsely powdered drugs is boiled with 4 parts of water in an earthen pot on mild fire till the liquid reduce to 1/4th of the origin quantity.

•Use of kwath should be done empty stomach approx quantity from 25 ml to 125ml maximum.

• Use of kwath should be done within 4 to 5 hours after preparation. If possible may be consumed immediately after preparation when decoction is in lukewarm condition.

Kwath herbs contain water soluble active principles of the herbs. Most of the active principles of any herbs are water soluble in nature. Hence kwath is one of the best preparation to get maximum benefits.

Some people advice soaking the kwath herbs overnight. This is a good idea if kwath is made in bulk. This makes the extraction of active principles from the herb to the water medium very easy. But some herbs should not be soaked in water it may get spoiled. Therefore consult your Ayurveda experts to know which herb is to be taken and what is the exact process so that you will get maximum healthy benefits.



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