Viruddha Ahar


Dr Sneha Honrao - YouTube

The most important concept Ayurveda have explained is viruddha Ahar. Viruddha means opposite and ahar means diet. What are the opposite combination of food which should be avoided to prevent from various lifestyle disorders? Have been explained in this blog. So try to implement this in your daily routine.

We take Diet daily because we need energy for life. Our body needs nutrition to develop tissues,cell,remove free radicals,improve metabolism etc. For all this activity we need proper nutritional diet. 

Therefore we must know what combination 9f food can harm or can give wrong impact to our body. For that Ayurveda have explained 18 types of viruddha things which should be avoided .

In examples I am explaining how to avoid Viruddha Ahar to improve the health. 

They are as follows: 

1. Desh viruddha (climate , area)

Eating dry food in desert, eating oily food in humid climate is viruddha .

Example : Go according to the local food . Eat South Indian food if you are leaving southern part of India . This will help to improve digestion.

 2. Kaal viruddha (time):

Do not eat curd at night

Eating light food in winter and heavy food in summer is viruddha.

Example : Instead of eating Bajra roti in summer eat it in winter. Eat fried food in rainy season instead of summer or winter. This will not disturb your metabolism activities.

3. Agni viruddha (Digestive fire):

Eating more when you are not feeling hungry or eating food when your suffering from acidity is viruddha.


Old age people should eat light food and avoid maida (white flour) because it is hard to digest.

Generally digestive fire weak bowel at old age.

Young age people should eat sufficient healthy food , eating maida should be in low quantity.

Children have good digestive fire so they can digest food easily , maida can easily digest by children if they are sufficiently active.

4. Matra viruddha ( quantity):

Example : Honey and ghee should not be taken together in same quantity.

5. Satmya viruddha ( not suitable):

Example: if cucumber is not getting digested properly and increase bloating then avoid eating cucumber even though it has good source of nutrition and fibre.

6. Dosh virudha ( bio physiology):

Person with  kapha prakriti should avoid food which increases kapha dosha is viruddha

Example : eating Brinjal vegetable regularly who has constipation is viruddha as brinjal will increase the symptoms. 

Instead of that eat green leafy vegetables to avoid constipation.

7. Sanskar viruddha ( process):

Example : honey and hot water combination is viruddha 

Instead of that drink lemon juice 

8. Virya Virudha ( nature): 

Example : avoid combination of

 A. milk and fish 

B. Milk and salt

9. Koshta Virudha ( digestion) :

Example : Eating low fiber diet should be avoided by those who have weak bowel movement.

10. Avastha Virudha ( State of health): 

Example : eating heavy spicy food when you are suffering from fever instead of light delight soupis viruddha

11. Kram Viruddha ( sequence) : 

Example : If you want to have sweet dish in a meal than don't eat it at the end of the meal. 

Eating sweet after meal is wrong or Virudha

12. Parihar Virudha ( habit) :

Example : drinking tea and immediately eating ice cream or drinking cold water.

Instead of that after eating ice cream you can have lukewarm water will help for good metabolism.

13. Upchar Viruddha ( Treatment): 

Example : take medicine according to prescribe by doctor

If tablets which should be taken before meal is taken after meal than that is viruddha 

14. Paak Viruddha ( Cooking) :

Example  : cook rice in open vessel instead of pack cooker pressure.

Open vessel cooked rice is easy to digest

15. Sanyog Viruddha ( combination) :

Example  : milk and fruits combination salad

16. Hriday Viruddha ( feeling ): 

Example : eating even though you are not hunger or you are disliking the dish is viruddha

17. Sampad viruddha ( quality): 

Example : eating process food which are low in nutrition

18. Vidhi Viruddha ( position) : 

Example : eating food by sitting on dining table or standing and eating in wedding 

Eat food always by sitting on ground with right posture.

These above combinations should be avoided in daily routine which will help you to stay healthy and happy and also it will help you to improve the quality of life .


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