Cancer: Causes and Cautions

Dr Sneha Honrao - YouTube

Cancer: Causes and Cautions

It is need of time to know about non-communicable diseases such as Cancer which is leading cause of death (approx. 9%) among all non-communicable diseases as per latest ICMR survey. It is observed that maximum cancer cases in male are lungs, mouth, stomach and oesophagus cancer. In female maximum cancer cases are on breast and cervical area. In children leukaemia is common. Burden of breast cancer is observed in metropolitan cities.

27% of cancer cases in India are caused due to tobacco. Others who are suffering from cancer but not addicted to products like tobacco, there are multiple reasons of that. One of the reasons behind this is wrong lifestyle and lack of awareness about causes of cancer. The causes such as use of BPA line cans which contains Bisphenol A, which is linked to several health issues such as cancer, infertility, obesity and diabetes. This Bisphenol A is found in hard plastic such as water bottles, eye glass lenses, baby water or milk bottles, sports equipment’s etc. This hazardous chemical enters in our body through such food containers and water bottles of plastic. Therefore, it is always advisable to avoid use of plastics. This will also be a great initiative for saving our environment. If complete stoppage of use of plastic is not possible then at least use BPA free materials may be started. Small initiatives like carrying cloth-bag while going to market will be useful for avoiding use of plastic bags. Store food stuff such as grains in non-plastic material like earthen, or Steel vessels.

Avoid smoked food in your daily diet which contains nitrates and nitrites. When they combine to form N-Nitroso compounds. Intake of this leads to fallopian cancer, stomach infection, diabetes and stroke etc.

Avoid eating farm fish as it contains some or the other hazards chemicals and also unnatural way Omega 3. Better to consume natural or sea water fish.

Now a days due to busy schedule or instant preparation process we are preferring processed food. This is also one of the reasons for increase in Cancer cases. So better to avoid processed food which contains high fat, white flour, sugar, preservatives with colorants, flavours and textures. Process food sometime include nitrites and nitrates and low in nutrients, low in fibre and high in carbohydrates. Instead of process food better to prefer freshly cooked food which is rich in fibre and nutrients and less in carbohydrates.

In metropolitan cities during weekend or whenever people get free time they prefer to watch movies in theatre and at interval time they buy popcorn and soft-drinks in different size containers. Most of these containers contain perfluoroalkyls, Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA), Perfluorooctane Sulfonate (PFOS). These chemicals are associated with tumours in animals according to recent research. So indirectly we are consuming these chemicals through food which is store in this containers.

Now a days there is extensive use of pesticides in agriculture. These pesticides are entering in our body through the food we are consuming. Pesticides contain hazardous chemicals such as DDT, DDE, atrazine, methylene chloride, pentachlorophenol, toxaphene, endrin etc. These chemicals also poses a carcinogenic risk. For lowering risk of cancer one should prefer organically farmed vegetables, fruits and grains. Use of organic food by public at a large will create more demand of organic farming. This will lead to more number of farmers practicing organic farming. This will also further lead to lower the exposure to these pesticides to farmers or agriculture workers and this will ultimately benefit the food chain and environment.

After knowing the benefits of organic food, first question triggers in our mind that should we buy organic food? Oh, it is expensive! How we could? Here is the answer. From last few months we are experiencing in metropolitan cities specially during lockdown that housing societies were collaborating with local nearby farmers for buying fruits and vegetables and people experienced that price of these fruits and vegetables is less than price in supermarkets. Not only the price but its quality is also better because of reduction in storage time from farm to kitchen. Hence, we should go #vocal for local and we should contact directly to local farmers through groups such as housing societies, offices etc. for practicing organic farming and purchasing directly from them. This will create fix market for farmers and direct purchase from farmers will reduce the prices for consumers. This will not only reduce carcinogenic risk but also encourage organic farming which has other multiple benefits.

Above mention causes of cancer and cautions to reduce the risk of cancer should be practiced and awareness of the same may be spread to all. Practicing this will decline the graph of Cancer cases and people will have happy and healthy life.


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