Which are the urges if control for long time leads to hazardous to human body?
Dr Sneha Honrao - YouTube Ayurveda literatures have explained how to keep our life style to stay healthy. Some literature says about( दिनचर्या) Dinacharya means daily routine, some literature explain about ritucharya means seasonal changes in diet and routine . Beside these above information one of the important rule one most follow to avoid disease or any health issues is to know information about the urges of body to control and not to control. The urges which should not be controlled are as Follows. 1. Urge of urination Suppression of the urges for urination for long time lead to urinary tract infection and other disorders such as foul smell of urine, pain during urination, burning sensation etc. 2. Urge of defecation Suppression of the urges of defecation leads to disorders like pain in abdomen, constipation, hard stool issues, headache, lower backache etc. 3. Urge of flatus Suppression of the urges of flatus leads to pain in abdomen , disturbance in fr...