Why to keep Tulsi plant at home and what are its medicinal uses?

Dr Sneha Honrao - YouTube Tulsi is one of the sacred plants found in India. It is not only important in spiritual value but also have unlimited medicinal properties which is beneficial for a healthy life. Tulsi is an aromatic plant. The latin name is ocimum sanctum belongs to family Labiatie. Tulsi is also termed as Sacred Basil or Holy Basil. Whole plant is used for medicinal formulation. ACCORDING TO AYURVEDA THE PROPERTIES OF TULSI ARE AS FOLLOW- तुलसी लघुरूष्णा च रूक्षा कफविनाशिनी | क्रुमिदोषं निहन्तयेषा रूचिक्रूद वन्हिदीपनी || (ध . नि) GUNA- Laghu ,ruksha RASA- katu, tikta VIPAKA- katu PRABHAVA- krumighna VIRYA- Ushna Parts used for medicinal purpose of tulsi are- 1. Patra...