Many people consume fruits daily or some other day. People have fruits in fasting too. Though people are eating fruits on regular bases still they suffer from lack of nutrition and vitamins. Many of them also suffer from symptoms such as acidity, bloating, constipation and skin infections too. The reason behind this problem is wrong intake of fruit pattern. As some people have fruits in form of custard, salad and milkshake which is wrong according to Ayurveda. In Ayurveda literature it is mentioned that one should not consume fruits and milk together as it may disturb our metabolism. Hence the correct form to take fruits in solo from and mostly consume seasonal fruits. Also one should not consume fruits after meal as the digestion time between fruits and meal are different, fruits take less time to digest compare to meal which we have in lunch or dinner. If you follow this small rule and changes in your diet you will overcome from the symptoms such as acidity, bloating, consti...