Cancer: Causes and Cautions

Dr Sneha Honrao - YouTube Cancer: Causes and Cautions It is need of time to know about non-communicable diseases such as Cancer which is leading cause of death (approx. 9%) among all non-communicable diseases as per latest ICMR survey. It is observed that maximum cancer cases in male are lungs, mouth, stomach and oesophagus cancer. In female maximum cancer cases are on breast and cervical area. In children leukaemia is common. Burden of breast cancer is observed in metropolitan cities. 27% of cancer cases in India are caused due to tobacco. Others who are suffering from cancer but not addicted to products like tobacco, there are multiple reasons of that. One of the reasons behind this is wrong lifestyle and lack of awareness about causes of cancer. The causes such as use of BPA line cans which contains Bisphenol A, which is linked to several health issues such as cancer, infertility, obesity and diabetes. This Bisphenol A is found in hard plastic such as water bottles, eye gla...